Sunday 29 January 2012


The annoying thing about blogging is the endless need to think of things to write about in an intelligent and articulate fashion!  So often in the middle of the day I find myself thinking: "that would make an awesome topic for a blog post, I must do that when I get home".  But of course, nine times out of ten, by the time I get home and sit down at the PC the idea has evaporated into the mist.

So - I'm going to do something to try to help myself with this.  For as long as I can remember I've kept a notebook and pen in my handbag - that way I never get caught without a pen and paper when I need one! Invaluable for such things as shopping lists, phone numbers and the like.  I'm going to make use of it for writing down ideas for blog posts as I think of them - prompts if you like.  With any luck, I'll remember what I meant to say, and there will be more posts as a result.  Fingers crossed anyway. :)

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